Join the Global Surfing Community by installing the Surfboard Chrome Extension. It shows you, where on earth you are surfing at every moment, creates your personal but anonymous surf history and lets you add and recommend Spots on Global Surfing.
Plus: It comes with Autosurf-Mode that takes you on a relaxing joyride through the web and brings you to places where you wouldn't go by yourself.
Global Surfing ist ein fortlaufendes Projekt, welches sich zur Aufgabe gemacht hat, der scheinbaren Unbestimmtheit des Internets entgegenzuwirken.
Der Surfbot, der sich als Chrome Plug-in installieren lässt, sucht das Internet eigenständig nach Websites ab und verzeichnet esistenzielle Statistiken, Standort der Server und IP-Adresse automatisch in einem Index. Selbiges ist auch durch die manuelle Eingabe möglich. Das stetig wachsende Index lässt sich auf konkrete Orte, Websites oder Stichworte durchsuchen. Alle Daten sind in einer Weltkarte dargestellt, von der aus alle Nutzer_innen ihr globales Surf-Erlebnis starten können.
Die kartografische Visualisierung der tatsächlichen Örtlichkeiten des Internets durchbrcht die Illusion der Immaterialität des Internets. Für die Nutzer_innen werden ungeahnte Distanzen und Nachbarschaften sichtbar, etablierte Algorithmen und Filterblasen aufgebrochen. Ziel ist eine veränderte Wahrnehmung beim Durchstreifen des Internets.
Also: Go Surfing!
Virtually moving through the web, spun of countless geografically locatable machines and cables.
A place that can be surfed, website.
Piece of software, that autonomously surfs itself.
Surf movement that can be seen as performance.
Piece of software that adds specific functionality to the Google Chrome Browser. The Extension is free for download at the Join Surfteam Section.
Group of people, using the Surfboard extension.
Internet Protocoll Address. It's like the phone number for the internet with witch specific machines and networks can be found and addressed. In this Project, an IP is considered being a physical machine hosting one or more specific websites. The same IP can occure multiple times on earth but has to be unique within one network.
Every IP is allocated to a specific address or geo coordinates which can be found out using third party services. In many cases these are not the exact places where a server is located.
At the moment, all distances are measured from Weimar, Germany.
Human readable name defining an IP or machine. In many cases, Hostname look like IP addresses or domain names.
Human readable Address that corresponds to a specific website. DNS Services resolve a requested domain, find out the right IP and forwards the request to the right machine.
Describes the last bit of a domain name.
Like .com or .org or .de.
Internet Service Provider. Company or organisazion that routes information through the web. In many cases, ISP and AS is pretty much the same.
Autonomous System. Network of machines and IPs controlled by a company or organisazion. Can be considered the central nerve system of the internet. Identified by an unique AS number.
This project is the bachelor thesis of Moritz Ebeling, student of the visual communications department at the Bauhaus-University Weimar, Germany.
Mentored by Prof. Markus Weisbeck, Christoph Knoth and Konrad Renner.
March 1st, 2017